Karina H.
I believe any child can learn anything if we can learn their learning style . Unlocking a child’s mind and potential is an adults responsibility . All children are full of curiosity and are sponges of knowledge we just need to Capture their minds in a fun way and learn as adults how to keep it in focus in a fun way . Really it is us as adults who need to learn more . Children need to teach us how to teach them . We need to be learners of our Students and be observers of them more than talkers to them Allowing them to lead us to their gifts and ways of learning . They know more than many give them credit for .. I have been helping children developed their potential for years in many different development areas . I love to teach children . To see the wonder in their eyes ; surprise and curiosity . I wish we all kept that . There is nothing better than seeing a child empowered in their self confidence in who they are . They can can conquer the world ! I am always so proud of the kids I work with them they though they could never do die thing but they didn’t give up and one day it just clicks - maybe it as a word, a song, a game, a différent approach who knows ) the most important thing is they know that if they don’t give up they can do hard things ! They are smarter than they think . I expect great things out of my kids and they always reach where we are going together A because they are not alone . It is my job to find a way to unlock their brains Leo them to see, hear and comprehend . It is all about having the right teacher and tools - your child is not trh problem - York child is amazing and brilliant and can learn anything I truly believe this ! Some may take longer than others but they can still learn it / it’s just finding out the best way for them to absorb, unseated and feedback rhe information . I understand children and I am an out of the box thinking - having to learn differently myself and teach my children differently also as they grew uo . I have applied these methods other area sœur gréât success . What a joy to see a child thrive and feel good about themselves . Let’s talk I would love to help !
I have many years tutoring my own children with great success .
- Phone number confirmed
Desired salary $35/hour
