Rosaren C.
Hi there I am looking for overnight elderly job or elderly job part time. I am permanent resident and I am psw I have a lot of experience when it comes to elderly people. I am hardworking. compassionate, patience and easy to go along with. I am hoping to chat employers soon. thank you so much.
As far as my experince is concern about caregiving is such a wonderful and learning experince to look after kids of different ages. im preparing the foods of the kids their meals according to parents request, teaching them a proper hygience and train them in potty, and teach them a things on how to respect others according to their ages talk them in a nice way that they can understand according to their ages if they did wrong and I make sure that they are always safe and sound environment and I also read them a bed time stories books and teach them how to pray
I graduated from a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in financial Accounting and also study and live-in care program back and hotel room attendant(short term course)
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