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How do I find a housekeeper or cleaner near me in Breslau, ON?
NannyServices.ca can help you find the best housekeepers in Breslau. We have an extensive database of experienced, recommended, and quality live-in and live-out housekeepers, house managers, cleaners, cleaning services, and maids, who are available both full-time and part-time. If you are seeking housekeeping help in Breslau, Ontario ON, all you need to do is register with NannyServices.ca. Once you do this, you will have the option of both posting the position on our job board, which is viewed by thousands of cleaning professionals and browsing our database of thousands of available housekeepers. And the best part? There are no agency fees, so you can get the quality housekeeping that you want at a price that you can afford!
Rachana A.
Yrs old
Yrs Experience
Kitchener, ON • 12 km away
Part-Time • Live-Out
Active Jobseeker
This care provider is actively looking for work.
Contact the candidate and hire directly, use our Secure Messaging Service or contact by phone.
Folakemi O.
Yr old
Yrs Experience
Kitchener, ON • 13 km away
Part-Time • Live-Out
Active Jobseeker
This care provider is actively looking for work.
Contact the candidate and hire directly, use our Secure Messaging Service or contact by phone.
Alexandra K.
Yrs old
Yrs Experience
Waterloo, ON • 12 km away
Part-Time • Live-Out
Active Jobseeker
This care provider is actively looking for work.
Contact the candidate and hire directly, use our Secure Messaging Service or contact by phone.
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