David S.
I started cooking in Venezuela when I was a young boy. I enjoyed the smiles on peoples' faces the most when bringing them a nice meal. When we moved to Canada, I was ready to commit myself to the culinary world and industry. I started off in highschool where I started a foods club with my teacher, we even did a couple of competitions and catering for the school's dances. And fhen i went on to graduate and ace the SAIT PCK program at the top of my class. I've been cooking for a long time, and met a lot of different people. But I've found that I truly miss having a connection with the people I serve food to. I miss cooking for someone, and serving them myself, knowing what kind of stuff they like or don't like, and overall being able to brighten someone's day with something as simple as a meal. Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you want a bright, cheery, and creative kitchen to cook you the best meals you can have at home.
I graduated from the SAIT Professional Cooking program, and continuted to work in the food industry for places like Major Tom, OEB, Fortuna's Row, and Native Tongues