ID: 100062445
Part-Time • Live-In

Looking for cook

Active: More than a month ago

Greetings culinary enthusiasts! I am currently in the market for a skilled Family Cook who can cater to our food preferences. I am excited to offer a part-time position starting from 01.11.2024 in a warm and welcoming home environment. To align with the routine, we require a Family Cook who can ensure delicious meals during the middle of the day from Monday to Thursday. You'd be handling the responsibilities of meal planning, preparing, and cooking meals for the family. Thus, expertise in a diversity of cuisines is welcome, but not mandatory. The position calls for a working commitment of 20 – 30 hours per week. In terms of living arrangements, there is freedom to choose. We can accommodate a live-in situation, or you may opt for a live-out arrangement if it suits your lifestyle better. The ideal candidate would be someone who can uphold hygiene and safety standards in the kitchen, showcases creativity in their dishes, and highlights efficient organization skills. If this sounds like an opportunity you are seeking, and you're passionate about presenting a family with meals that are not just nutritionally balanced, but also sumptuous, then we'd love to hear from you! Come, let's bond over the magic of home cooking.

Salary: Negotiable, based on experience

20 - 30 hours/week
Desired start date immediately
Cook is responsible for
Cooking children's meals
Cooking everyday food
Type of Chef/Cook
Family cook
Active:More than a month ago • Member since:October 2024
Cambridge, ON ʉۢ 434 km away
Route from: Ottawa

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