Live-In(24/7) Caregiver for 4 days/nights durng the week. Sunday afternoons until Thursday afernoons
Looking for a female caregiver with at minimum of 10 years experience for my 88 yr mother with Dimentia. My mother requires assistance with daily living tasks, but is somewhat independent. What is very important with this position is someone who must be able to engage in conversations;You must be very skilled at Shifting Focus Technique, especially when she is feeling depressed which triggers some anger and gets frustrated with the caregiver. You must have "Thick Skin" with these scenarios, not to engage with her and calm the issues by changing the subject. Being a companion and listening to her is also very important. With the Dimentia she requires her attention to be diverted sometimes. She does repeat herself, very forgetful and has temper tantrems sometimes along with some depression of which she is taking medications.She is also becoming incontinent. Duties include: some assisting with meals, monitor taking her medications, checking her sugars, assisting with dressing, hygene, grooming and toileting when needed. Light house duties include: sweeping, dusting, vacuuming, making her bed, taking the garbage out, cleaning the bathroom, laundry. Since it is a live-in postion, the caregiver will stay there and sleep over for 4 days.