Charlotte L.
I have a love of maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. I frequently visit the gym and go for jogs. These workout routines not only keep me physically fit but also are a great stress reliever, providing a sense of calm and tranquility. I derive immense joy and satisfaction from activities such as baking and cooking. Additionally, I find myself drawn to doing paint by numbers which allows me to escape into the canvas and paint. At home I love to spend my time curled up reading, watching movies and shows and heaping loads of attention and love onto my cat Leo.
During my time in high school I did a lot of work for some families around my city taking care of their kids and making sure everything ran smoothly. I supervised and made sure safety was a top priority at all times, I ensured I was preparing and serving nutritious meals. I assisted in bathing and educational activities. Maintained their nap routines and played with them in age-appropriate activities, In the Lutomski family I cared for 3 children, 2 boys (12 and 8) and a little girl (4). The oldest boy had autism, anger issues, as well as a learning disability making it difficult to care for 3 at a time at a young age but I had a really great experience learning patience and communication with Jacob. The Gilmour family I cared for 2 identical twin boys who were diagnosed with a speech impediment at age 2 and were nonverbal, I was introduced to them at age 3 and looked after them until they were about 6 and helped with their vocal skills and learning how to speak using books and reading aloud, singing, conversations, and mimicking.