Emma D.
WHO I AM as a babysitter Familiarity with educational and scheduling software Know how to use washing machines, microwave ovens, and medical thermometers OK when circumstances require to work flexible hours Excellent social perceptiveness and ability to monitor surroundings at all times Active listening and communicating skills Ability to assist and supervise homework Knowledge of age-appropriate activities, including arts and crafts Capable of cooking and performing light housework Able to work around any animals Great speaking voice to take phone messages Dependable and able to foster new relationships WHAT I DO as a babysitter Routine management Meal planning and preparation Age-appropriate activities Bathing and dressing Child development Upholding discipline rules Time management Childcare Licensed driver Playing puzzles and game Various physical activities appropriate for a given age group
Raised my brother (10 years younger), and two kids, assisted friends and relatives a lot, and have a university degree in education. Have all the necessary knowledge, patience, 100% tolerance to one hundred questions per minute, permanent screaming, and unstoppable runs in all directions. Understand kids of all ages, they understand me in return and we always make a good cooperative team.
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